Saturday, August 3, 2013

British Pageant at Preston "Truth Will Prevail"

Before the show started

 We had a few miracles in the last week! Tuesday night after Mutual, Bishop Baker gave us and three other ward members tickets for the opening night of the British Pageant at the Preston Temple! In  less than 24 hours, Elder Hilton and I received permission to go outside our mission boundaries. We rode up together, with one of our ward members driving.  

 It was a wonderful evening. The Spirit was strong. John Lathrop, who is a common ancestor between Elder Hilton and me, was depicted, and I felt of his courage and faith. Also depicted was Ann Cannon, mother of George Q. Cannon, who lost her life on board the ship on her way to join the Saints in Nauvoo. As she was dying, she expressed her conviction in the restored church of Jesus Christ, and her desire that her children and grandchildren and great-great grandchildren be raised in the gospel. I felt a great warmth as I realized that my grandchildren are some of her descendents. 
I was impressed by the size of the marquee constructed to hold the event.  It even had large blowers to keep the place air conditioned. Having attended other pageants, I was prepared for an outdoor event, not realizing that the structure had been built.  Apparently rain in Preston is the norm, and it was raining lightly when we arrived. But by the time the pageant started, the rain had stopped. 

The massive stage was on a slant, making it easy for all to see. The choir was on the bridge in the back of the stage.  (If you wonder, yes, the choir members moved around a little).  The choir had met previously and recorded the music, but I could hear their live voices in addition to the recording. I found it very effective.

Elder Hilton looking at the stage.  I hope the slant is evident in this photo.  The assistant director of the pageant is one of the Young Single Adults living in our stake.  On his website one can read his inspiring day-to-day experiences in this creative effort:

After we got our seats, Elder Hilton and I went for a brief walk outside.  Here is a photo of the huge marquee that was erected for the pageant. 

 Friends from the Walsall Ward

  This delightful girl is Charlotte, who was baptized less than four weeks before the pageant. She was radiant the entire evening.

While at the pageant, we talked with two sets of missionaries (all sister missionaries) from the Manchester Mission. Incredibly, in each pair of missionaries, one  had a brother who is serving with us in the Birmingham Mission.

This missionary has a twin brother serving in Leicester (pronounced Lester).

This sister missionary is from South Africa.  Her brother is our Zone Leader!

The two sister missionary companions are both from South Africa.
Wanda and Charlotte by the temple gate

Me with Joy, Wanda, Sue, and Charlotte

We had an extra treat to end our evening!

Joy and Lloyd, friends from St. George, were in Preston that day. They were going to the pageant the following day, but took a taxi up to the temple grounds after the show just to see us and meet our friends!

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