Monday, July 8, 2013

Walsall Ward

Our first Sunday in our new Walsall Ward was the day of their Annual Celebration of Hymns, held that evening. (It was their 24th annual Celebration.)  It was a wonderful hymn sing, with many congregational hymns and 4 solos, and refreshments during an intermission.  Bishop Baker mentioned after that it was "no accident" that our first Sunday here was the day of that celebration. Yesterday I was sustained as the Ward Music Chairman and Music Director.  

In our ward, an 18-year old girl was baptized this weekend.  Her story is interesting.  She was wondering about religion and typed in a question on Google.  On a sidebar, a (UK site) came up and she looked at it.  Every time she typed in a question, she saw something about the church.  She had never heard of Mormons, but was impressed by what she saw. She researched the church for three months online and then got up her nerve and  requested a visit from the missionaries.

One our our YSAs (Young Single Adults) asked if I could teach him piano, and he has had two brief lessons.  He is quite gifted musically, and has had some lessons.  After church yesterday, others in the ward asked if I would teach them also.  I am thankful that they asked, and hope I can be a blessing to them.

We invited the YSA's from our ward to our flat for dinner last week before Institute, and enjoyed getting to know them.  We have invited a different ward this week.  Maybe I will remember to take photos then!

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