Friday, July 19, 2013

Signs that gave me the giggles...

I still do a double take when I see a TO LET sign. If these were at home, some people would have great fun putting the letter I between the O and the L. 

Another place TO LET.

The hairy lemon.  What a creative name for a restaurant!

Hmm  is this a salon for infants?

I have not seen a sign for Old Road yet, but several New Road signs

Guess who liked this sign the most?

I bet you guessed it!

I have seen signs that read "Speed Kills." but this is new to me!

Magical kitchens? I want one if  they clean themselves!

Translation to American English:  EXIT

This is the Way Out at the Tamworth Castle

I wish I had gone in the shop.  I have never been to a Silly Sale before!

Is this a buffet?  I don't know

Another great example of vocabulary differences here in the UK!  Perhaps this sign should be used at ball games.
New Zebras are special enough to get their own crossings!

Humped puffins too!

But humped zebras are the best!  They are striped speed bumps that serve as crosswalks.

A barber in downtown Lichfield.

Anyone for a shave?

Allen laughed and laughed at this door and sign.  It took me awhile to figure out what was so funny.
Yep,  this is a street sign.  The building in the background is a medical practice.

The ultimate in negativity.  Just choose what you want to ban.

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