Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bikes, Bikes, and more bikes

 Ah the smell of a bike shop!  Who would think that such a smell would make me think of home and our children!  It made me miss my nice new bike too! 

One of our responsibilities as a senior missionary couple is to conduct flat checks.  That means that once a transfer (every six weeks) we inspect each of the missionary apartments in our zone.  Not only do we check for cleanliness, we look at condition of the apartment to be sure that the missionaries are in a safe and healthy environment.

We did our first flat checks in July. One thing that we noticed right away was the number of old bike frames and parts kept in the apartments.  Some of them are being used for parts, but most were just sitting there.  So in our September flat checks, Elder Hilton (aka Allen) collected all the unused frames and parts.  After collecting many parts, and with the resourcefulness of an elder in the zone, we now have one more working bike!  But it needed bearings.

So we took all of the parts (a total of five frames and about twelve rims) to a local bike shop. They will finish the work on the bike and then use whatever parts they can.

Best of all, we learned what will happen to the parts they cannot use. The hopeless parts are recycled. But the usable parts are collected by Raleigh bikes.  Raleigh has a program where they gather usable parts from participating shops, and then give the parts to local prisons.  The prisoners then assemble the parts into usable bikes. Then the bikes are sent to developing countries!  Here is a link to the Raleigh site describing the program:     http://www.raleigh.co.uk/Company/Recycle/

I was excited to learn of the good that can come from cleaning up the flats!

Just a side note.  Many people here call bicycles "push bikes."

Our bike shop has a great location.  It is adjacent to the bus stations!

This is the stack of bike frames and parts we took to the shop.

The bike shop in Lichfield

The bike shop owner suggested that I come behind the counter to get a better photo of the stack of bikes!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Doubled in size

These are missionaries who were serving in the Burton and Cannock Ward
With the wave of new missionaries, the England Birmingham Mission is doubled in size from a year ago! I cannot imagine how President and Sister Rasmussen keep up with it all. Last week we had the privilege of helping President with a missionary who was ill.  We spent a long, long night in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham with the elder before he was admitted to the hospital.

This week we helped with our first transfer. What a thrill it was to be at the Mission Office and meet some of the newly arrived missionaries, and see the new companionships. Our assignment was to provide transportation for elders who will be serving in our stake.  Our little Vauxhall Meriva was full loaded!  Allen's great packing skills came in handy as he and the missionaries wedged five suitcases into the back of the car. Then their bikes were strapped to a bike rack on the car.

Because of the influx of new missionaries, every ward in our stake now has two sets of missionaries. What an exciting time to be serving!

Sister Rasmussen does a great job keeping the mission blog up to date.  You can see photos of transfer day, Zone Conference, and new missionaries at her blog:  http://ebmission.blogspot.co.uk/

Double Cousins

Allen learned that he and Elder Singleton are double cousins.  They are closely related both through the Hilton and the Allen line!